Andre Avila

Co-founder and artistic director


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Andre Avila was born in Bogotá, Colombia where his ballet, jazz, and tap training began at the age of eight. Later, he expanded his repertoire to include South American folkdance and traditional Latin social dances. Training in rhythm and smooth ballroom dance began when Andre moved to the US in 2003. Since that time, he has taught and competed professionally with studios in Las Vegas, New York, Massachusetts, and North Carolina, specializing in rhythm and smooth ballroom with additional proficiencies in Argentine Tango, West Coast Swing, Hustle, Kizomba, and Flamenco. Andre is passionate about making dance accessible to everyone. He the owner of Rhythm Journey NC and an instructor for Wake Tech, the American Dance Festival's Parkinson's Movement Initiative, and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Duke University. He is also certified to teach the American Dance Wheels Foundation Wheel One Bronze wheelchair ballroom syllabus, a National Exercise Trainers Association Senior Fitness Specialist, and a Dance for PD Stanley J. Wertheimer Fellow.